
A Stocked Impoundment Permit (SIP) is required to be purchased prior to fishing in Monduran Dam.

In Queensland, Monduran is one of 63 dams that require you to hold a Stocked Impoundment Permit (SIP). Once a permit is purchased you will be covered to fish in all 63 dams.

All persons over the age of 18 years must hold a permit when fishing in SIPS impoundments. Children and teenagers under 18 years do not require a permit to fish in SIPS impoundments.

You must carry your permit (digital email, digital sms, paper receipt) with you when fishing in a stocked impoundment and produce it on request by QBFP.

Due to changes with the SIPS, Monduran Anglers & Stocking Association are encouraging all anglers to purchase their permit prior to the competition. When applying, you are able to nominate a start date for your permit and whether you would like a weekly or yearly permit.

Digital permits

No need to print out your permit. A digital permit will instantly be emailed and/or sms to you when a permit is purchased online, at selected sub-agent outlets and over the phone.

A digital permit will also be emailed within 24 hours of purchase when a permit is purchased over the counter via Australia Post outlets.

Purchase a permit

A permit can be purchased:-

The great thing about the scheme is that your money goes towards purchasing fingerlings to stock the many impoundments and dams throughout Queensland.

For more information about the Stocked Impoundment Permit, including the cost of a permit, please go to the Queensland Government, Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries website.